Performance Logging in the RESTful Engine

We offer the ability to get basic perfomance metrics for your Fluent RESTful Engine installation in the logs for the RESTful Engine. All you need to do is enable it:

  • For .NET RESTful Engine place the following code in the <AppSettings> section in the web.config file:
<add key="performanceLogging" value="on"/>
  • For the Java RESTful Engine, you just need to add the following code to the file:

When enabled, you will find the following block of logs in the engines log file after each report generation:

=== PERFORMANCE DATA FOR JOB (679914bc-184a-4dcb-9f57-a94b3b0b50ef) ===
Total Idle Time = 00h:00m:00s:133ms
Total Generation Time = 00h:00m:01s:869ms
Total Time = 00h:00m:02s:003ms
Total Pages = 4

Unless you changed the location where the logs are written, this is where you will find them:

  • .NET RESTful Engine: C:\temp
  • Java RESTful Engine: /opt/apache-tomcat/logs